Fenox: viticulture and vine trellising

Fenox palissage


On e-viti, you'll find the entire Fenox range of products for viticulture and vine trellising. Made in France, Fenox products are renowned for their ingenuity, strength and ease of use. Present in France and abroad for over 30 years, the Fenox brand is used in all major vineyards. It guarantees efficient, durable and profitable trellising.


Here are a few highlights from the Fenox range:

Amarre Fenox





The Fenox vine tether, a percussion tether that offers excellent pull-out resistance with its three rods that extend into the ground. 

e-viti's advice: plant your tether in the direction of the trellis wire to ensure the best hold in the ground.

Agrafe vigne





Fenox vine staples, 100% biodegradable, are manufactured in such a way that most staples will break off by themselves at the end of the season. The environment is preserved and labor is saved, since the staples can be left in the field. Thewooden staple is now also available in a wide version.

e-viti's advice: use a staple between each vine to ensure optimum hold.


Tendeur Fenox





The Fenox tensioner is available in stainless steel, galvanized steel or epoxy finish, and in three sizes (n° 1, 2 or 3). The Fenox tensioner is ideal for rapid tensioning of trellis wires. It requires no special tools (the lever arm is It requires no special tools (the lever arm is supplied with your bag of tensioners), and allows you to re-tension a wire from one year to the next without cutting it.

e-viti's tip: place your tensioner towards the middle of the vine row, to ensure even tension distribution.



Lien inox Fenox





The Fenox stainless steel link is a simple, practical system for forming Guyot bows. Reusable, it remains on the vine shoot for use from one year to the next. 



Manchon à sertir Fenox





The Fenox crimping sleeve allows quick, economical repairs to trellising wire

e-viti's advice: use three crimping points to ensure maximum security for your repair.


Most Fenox product sheets contain a demonstration video, indicated by the logo Logo vidéo . Don't hesitate to consult them! Discover the Fenox range on E-VITI.



For a more complete overview of the Fenox catalog, download the document above. 

Complete document | Fenox, brand of winegrowing equipment for vine trellising | e-viti.com
In charge of product development at e-viti since 2016, Catherine shares her skills and expertise in viticulture and landscaping, to bring you valuable advice.