pH electrode, glass, for wine and must, highly polluting applications, double open junction, BNC connector, 1 m cable.
A common feature of all pH electrodes is the reference junction, where the flow of ions into the sample solution takes place, establishing an electrical bridge between the measuring electrode at variable potential and the reference electrode at stable potential. The HI1048 electrode features an open junction, where the reference electrolyte is in direct contact with the sample, minimizing the risk of clogging. This type of junction is the best choice for measurements in wine and must. Unscrewing the cap from the electrode filling port creates isobaric pressure, enabling optimum flow of the reference electrolyte. This ensures rapid response and stable measurement.

Highlights :
- Open, anti-clogging junction, ideal for high-accuracy measurements
- filling electrode
- CPS â"¢ (Clogging Prevention system)
Title2 | HI1048B |